Power Generation Repair

From small power generation sets to large steam turbines, In-Situ has supported the power generation Industry for decades.
Our on-site machine repair services cater specifically to the power generation industry, providing comprehensive solutions to address the diverse needs of power facilities. With our extensive experience, technical expertise, and commitment to excellence, we are the trusted partner for power generation repairs.

With an ever-growing global demand for power, the importance of providing a consistent supply has never been greater. Our adaptable teams of engineers support OEMS, Operators and service providers on new builds with effective maintenance and emergent repairs at the heart of our services.

At In-Situ Machining Solutions, we understand the criticality of power generation facilities and the need for immediate and efficient repairs to ensure uninterrupted power supply.
Our experience and technical expertise, combined with a tailor-made service working around the clock, will ensure our client's assets are back in service in the shortest possible time.

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Typical Jobs
Below are a range of jobs that can occur on a regular basis within this industry Sector. In-Situ have the capability to provide assistance with any of these jobs or any other on-site machining repairs that are required.
Grinding, machining, heat treatment and straightening of crankshafts and main bearing journals
Orbital machining of turbine bearing journal diameter
Machining of turbine casings โ€“ Line boring of casing or milling of joint face
Machining of Alternator shafts and bearing journal diameters and slip ring machining services
Top & Bottom Liner landing Repairs
Coupling hole machining
Metal Stitching repairs to broken and damaged Cast Iron & Cast Steel Components
Milling of engine mounts, entablature faces, pads, seating faces and beams
Machining and Diamond Burnishing of Prob Track Locations
Hydrogen Seal Face Repairs

Relatable Services

We work across multiple different industries, providing our clients with a 24/7 worldwide service. Below are a selection of services that are relatable to this industry.

Case Study Examples of Power Generation Machine Repair

Nuclear power station on-site machine repair:

Their planetary machining project involved the repair of a damaged coupling locating taper at the drive end of a 1000 megawatt x 14-metre long x 65,000 kg alternator/generator rotor in a nuclear power station in Ukraine.

The team designed and produced a special taper turning machine that accommodates the dimensions of the alternator shaft drive end taper, which had a small end diameter of ร˜816mm, a large end diameter of ร˜820mm, and a distance of 760mm. They also ensured the extreme accuracy requirements of the taper by using special gauges produced to check the dimensions at 25mm intervals along the full length of the taper.

Power station new build machining:

At a brand new power station in South America, personnel discovered severe damage to the J Shape Labyrinth Seals of a new 80-tonne LP Turbine Shaft when opening a packing case. The In-Situ Machining design team rose to the occasion, creating special tooling to replace and re-machine the stainless steel J Shape Labyrinth Seals.

Precision was paramount, with the seals being only 0.35mm thick, and In-Situ Machining successfully machined off 5mm from the 900mm diameter within a tolerance of 0.1mm on diameter and a concentricity tolerance of 0.025mm. The OEM and power station personnel inspected and approved the project. By completing the repairs within a limited timeframe, In-Situ Machining Solutions ensured that the build schedule remained intact.

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